There are annual inter school and in house events and campaigns that are organized by the Tender Petals centres for interaction among children and parents and to enable them to participate, compete, and experience.
One such event is the WEAVER BIRDS CARNIVAL, an inter school event for children aged 2-14 years.
It’s a platform where children compete in various competitions and participate in interactive activities.The Carnival is closed with a cultural evening where the children of Tender Petals centres perform.
This has been a very popular event where children get an opportunity to showcase their talents. The Carnival is usually based on a theme like Enhancing Creativity, An Introduction to the Culture and Tradition of North East India.
Another annual event for the children and the mother is COLOUR WEAVERS- and Art and Collage making competition for mother and child.
Every year the children of the Tender Petals centres are involved in a Campaign on various topics ranging from environment conservation and protection, developing reading habit etc.
Children are involved in activities related to the topic during the months of the campaign and made to understand the concept.
ANNUAL DAY is celebrated at the end of every year by the Tender Petals centres.
ANNUAL SUMMER & WINTER CAMPS are organized in the Tender Petals centre for the centre children as well as students from other schools.